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Jewelry Appears In FUSE Makerspace Grand Opening Video

Jack Boglioli piece appears in Fuse Makerspace video

On September 26th 2017, FUSE Makerspace held a grand opening ceremony. The event drew hundreds of attendants and showcased many of the new ventures being undertaken in the makerspace facilities. Jack Boglioli Jewelry™ happens to be one of the businesses utilizing the space, which includes a fully equipped jewelry lab.

The camera crew tasked with capturing this event was lucky enough to catch a glimpse into the creation process of my latest statement piece, “Serenity”. This piece is nearing it’s final stages of completion for the 2017 Artsthrive event at the Albuquerque Museum.

Although a very tiny clip of the piece made it into the final cut of the video, I still found it worth mentioning. You can watch the video below (it gets really good at minute 2:20) :

Continue reading to find out more about the Makerspace…

What is FUSE Makerspace?

Fuse Makerspace is a place where businesses and individuals can join, in order to have access to the latest cutting edge equipment used in many different fields. It is a brand new entity, and you can learn more about it here: the makerspace

Want to see the piece in detail?

Press play on the video below. Watch the creation and completion of the piece you just saw for a second…


If you want to see more of my best statement pieces, become a Jack Boglioli Insider.

As an Insider, you will gain access to exclusive online unveilings of my latest pieces long before anyone else gets the opportunity to see them. It’s like a VIP section for collectors and followers of my work, and not everyone gets to be on the list.

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CNM Chronicle in the Studio

CNM Chronicle writes article about Jack Boglioli

CNM Chronicle journalist Wade Faast stopped by the studio recently to conduct an interview about my work. He put together a great article about my process for the CNM Chronicle and took some really high quality photographs.

We had a great time sitting in my studio discussing how my process has developed over time, among other things. Faast asked a lot of insightful questions which I think made for a really good article. It was quite the challenge to set up all of his photography equipment in my studio which I have arranged to be really comfortable for one person. But it all worked out in the end.

If you would like to read the article, follow the link below:

CNM Student and Artist Weaves Wire Jewelry Into Fine Art

Photographs by Wade Faast for the CNM Chronicle

Here are a couple photos that Faast took of my work, and my process:

CNM Chronicle photo of trefoil pendant taken by Wade Faast


CNM Chronicle photo of Jack Boglioli working on a piece for the Albuquerque Museum


If you would like to shop for jewelry, follow this link:


If you would like to learn more about what inspires my work, start here:

My Creative Influences: Part 1

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the rest of the site, and don’t forget to leave me a comment in the form at the bottom of this article.

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CNM Writes About Jack Boglioli Jewelry™

Central New Mexico Community College writes about Jack Boglioli

Recently, CNM otherwise known as Central New Mexico Community College, decided to run a story about myself and my work. One of their journalists contacted me and conducted an interview. But before I link to that, I’ll explain why I decided to study fine arts and jewelry in a more formal way, at the local college.

Studying Fine Arts and Jewelry at CNM

Towards the end of 2015 I decided to enroll in the fall semester at CNM majoring in fine arts. I wanted to get some formal training in art and jewelry, to bring my abilities to the next level. The result is that the quality of my designs and finished pieces has risen up to a higher level. I am more able to make the image I see in my mind come out as a reality. I also have much more of a foundation of resources to draw from regarding art. This allows me to continually push the boundaries of what I can create. Consequently, I am more able to outdo myself on a regular basis.

The Article

After conducting the interview, the journalist from CNM wrote a great article expounding upon my background and what I am doing now as an artist. Follow the link below to read what she wrote:

‘Bringing Beauty into the World’